Bower And Hill Hailed For Exhibition Works

Shane Bower (left) and Alice Hill (right) watch as the Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism, Lands and Mineral Resources Faiyaz Koya takes pictures of the artwork during the Three Dimension Art Exhibition at the Grand Pacific Hotel on October 18, 2017. Photo: Vilimoni Vaganalau.

“Born from Fire is Fiji’s first ex­hibition of its kind.” This was stated by Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism, Lands and Mineral Resources Faiyaz Koya while officiating at the Three Dimen­sion Art Exhibition – “Born from Fire” at the Grand Pacific Hotel on Wednesday night.

The exhibition which will be open to the public for 10 days showcases the artistic talents and collabora­tive works of Shane Bower and Alice Hill. They are two of Fiji’s three di­mensional artists.

Shane Bower (left) and Alice Hill (right) watch as the Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism, Lands and Mineral Resources Faiyaz Koya takes pictures of the artwork during the Three Dimension Art Exhibition at the Grand Pacific Hotel on October 18, 2017. Photo: Vilimoni Vaganalau.
Shane Bower (left) and Alice Hill (right) watch as the Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism, Lands and Mineral Resources Faiyaz Koya takes pictures of the artwork during the Three Dimension Art Exhibition at the Grand Pacific Hotel on October 18, 2017. Photo: Vilimoni Vaganalau.

Mr Koya said that it was an exclu­sively noteworthy occasion, as it was a unique art exhibition of both col­laborative and individual works in metal and glass.

Mr Koya commended Mr Bower and Mrs Hill for their hard work.

“You both have certainly raised the profile of world class artwork, espe­cially three dimensional art made in Fiji, that reflects and celebrates the beauty of the country.

“It certainly hasn’t been a walk in the park for the both of you.”

The duo had spent over six months, working on collaborative pieces, which are on display for the first time, along with their own individu­al work.

Originally posted in Fiji Sun

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