Tag Archives: From Ocean to Forest

Second Glass and Metal Art Exhibition – Born from Fire

Born from Fire 2018 - From Ocean to Forest

More than a hundred people are expected at this year’s Born from Fire Art exhibition of glass and metal at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva this evening. The exhibition is a collaboration of Hot Glass Fiji and Imagination in Metal.

Sculptural art show

Artists Shane Bower and Alice Hill during their Born from Fire Exhibition at the Grand Pacific Hotel last night. Picture: JONA KONATACI

Hot Glass Fiji director and glass blower Alice Hill says the art exhibition at Grand Pacific Hotel (GPH) is all about collaboration with three dimensional artists. Ms Hill said the exhibition would include a number of creative three dimensional pieces which had all been inspired by Fiji.

Shane Bower – Imaginations in Metal

Alice has once again partnered with Shane to develop their new exhibition, Born from Fire 2018 – ‘From Ocean to Forest’. Following on from the success of last year’s inaugural collaborative exhibition between Alice Hill at Hot Glass Fiji and Shane Bower from Imagination in Metal , the second “Born from Fire” exhibition will open at the Grand Pacific Hotel in […]

Alice & Pita working on a exhibition piece in the studio for Born from Fire

As the opening of 2018’s “Born from Fire – From Ocean to Forest” exhibition approaches,all three studios involved have been even busier than usual as the artists work on their individual and collaborative pieces.

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